Skiing with Toddlers

Guide to Skiing with Infants

There are no hard and fast rules for when a child is old enough to learn to ski. If you are putting them in to a ski school the child must be out of nappies. If you are teaching them yourself, then anytime from 18 months. Teaching your own child to ski could be the infant equivalent of teaching your girlfriend/boyfriend to drive and may lead to confrontations rather than learning. A ski instructor comes in handy as children are often 'braver' when they are with adults they are not normaly close to.

Clothing should be a high priority when considering taking kids skiing and notice taken of the effects of extreme weather conditions on children. Sunburn is a problem and so exposure to the sun should not be underestimated. Mittens and hats should be attached so they don't loose them. Babies can not cope with the change in pressure in high altitudes and should not be put at risk.

Ski Learning

The amount they ski at this young age will not determine whether they make champion skiers or not. That will not become apparant until the child is 9 - 13. Teaching methods are very much based around copying. Children's technique often develops directly from the snowplough to parallel turns simply through progressive increase in speed and narrowing of the skis, much to the irritation and pride of the parents.

Many resorts offer creches and you could employ the services of a nanny. Resort nannies will often work in creches during the day but are expected to work one evening during the week. It is worth remembering that when a child is not skiing there may not always be too much else for them to do and they do get cold very quickly not to mention bored. It is often a good idea to book with a company that offers a good all round holiday package for small children.